Marrika Rodgers
Envisioning the Future, Inc./ CEO & Founder
Laniece is a POWERHOUSE. She is highly vested in her community and genuinely has a passion to serve others in varies capacities. Her wisdom, business savvy and heart to help others makes her a gem in the community. She such an encourager and motivator of others. I’d highly recommend Laniece McGee!
Relationship with Laneice McGee: Community Partner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Envisioningthefututre/
Email: envisioningthefuture@gmail.com
Other Member

Shontina Gladney
Founder, S.G. Global Network

Laura Gmeinder
Disrupt Madison/ Disrupt Milwaukee co-organizer

Edward Cook
Are You Ready, Inc/CEO

Brandi Iberia Austin
Saved and the City Radio Show